Our vision is to be a light of hope by loving God, loving others, and making disciples of Christ Jesus.
Our Mission: To be an intergenerational, multi-cultural, and missions-minded church that seeks to build relationships with God and with others by getting families to seek God, actively worship Him, and to be committed to His Word and to His Work; to fellowship at home, in church and in the community; and to minister to those around us to see individuals and entire families come into right relationship with God, to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and to grow to maturity in Christ.
Our Emphasis, borne out of the Great Commission and the above: Every Person a Believer II Peter 3:9 and every believer: Mature Ephesians 4:13 ...growing up in the faith Alure Matthew 5:16 ...drawing others by Christlike example Pure I Timothy 4:12b ...walking in holiness of lifestyle Sure II Timothy 1:12 ...convinced of true identity in Christ
PRINCE of PEACE Assembly of God Join us for worship & fellowship this week!
Services are currently on-line as well as in-person ! Join us for Worship Service at 10:30 a.m. each Sunday on Facebook Live
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