From time to time, we have members of our congregation, His body, post things on their personal blogs, Facebook, or elsewhere that are simply inspiring. I share here one of those messages from a Facebook post by Leanne Steenstra:
"7 mile run today, I feel like I'm finally getting somewhere. Running has in no way been something that has come easy for me. I have battled through self defeating thoughts, minutes that felt like forever, legs that felt like bricks and doubted that my body was designed for running, but I kept going. And now I feel pretty confident that running a long distant is a possibility.
This leaks into my faith. I feel like my faith is increasing through doing the things that I literally thought were impossible for me with any sense of enjoyment or blessing. This past week I have lost myself in worship, prayer, and wonder toward our King while running. The things that I thought I couldn't do, I am doing, and I don't believe it ends with running.
To many this may be meaningless, but to me this is the tangible evidence of a God who makes the impossible possible. To me this is my faith increased in a God who frees us from addictions, anxiety, and the chains that keep us bound and broken. To me this is an increase in the fight and perseverance for the things that matter most to me, bringing glory to God.
I just want my life to bring Him glory....that's all I want, and running is proving to bring more strength and determination to let go of myself, my thoughts, my wants, to get over myself and in return watch the miraculous purpose of God unfold in the lives of those on this island. God is on the move.....get excited about our God! He's not boring, and He wants to meet you in the spot you are at right now.
Say yes to Him.
"7 mile run today, I feel like I'm finally getting somewhere. Running has in no way been something that has come easy for me. I have battled through self defeating thoughts, minutes that felt like forever, legs that felt like bricks and doubted that my body was designed for running, but I kept going. And now I feel pretty confident that running a long distant is a possibility.
This leaks into my faith. I feel like my faith is increasing through doing the things that I literally thought were impossible for me with any sense of enjoyment or blessing. This past week I have lost myself in worship, prayer, and wonder toward our King while running. The things that I thought I couldn't do, I am doing, and I don't believe it ends with running.
To many this may be meaningless, but to me this is the tangible evidence of a God who makes the impossible possible. To me this is my faith increased in a God who frees us from addictions, anxiety, and the chains that keep us bound and broken. To me this is an increase in the fight and perseverance for the things that matter most to me, bringing glory to God.
I just want my life to bring Him glory....that's all I want, and running is proving to bring more strength and determination to let go of myself, my thoughts, my wants, to get over myself and in return watch the miraculous purpose of God unfold in the lives of those on this island. God is on the move.....get excited about our God! He's not boring, and He wants to meet you in the spot you are at right now.
Say yes to Him.